The Liz, she went shopping...again... this time with the other Bestie, Neokins (aka "Neo" pronounced like "Mayo" but with an "N"). My Neokins, she was looking for spring work clothes. Neokins was having trouble deciding what clothes to buy because she didn't want to spend more than $20 on any one thing. Admirable! She found her dream dress at Forever 21 for $9.80. Well done Neokins! And the best part of all is that it is a dress she can dress up or down, which I told her made it an even better value. The same goes for any clothes you buy. $25? It's worth it if you can dress it up
and down. With the exception of the pieces I bought:

<-- Glitter shoes at Charlotte Russe. On sale! $10
Pink, one-shoulder rouched dress at Forever 21. -->
Not on sale. $19.80
I know, both of these items will be difficult to dress down. And yes, I realize that goes against my creed for buying clothes. But you have to admit that a clubbing outfit for about $30 is pretty good. Even better than buying from Great Glam because the dress alone would have been $30 at GG. Still a good value, but this was the better route.
Just thought I would share my finds with you all, I am currently laid up in bed with a headache and muscle cramp in my neck. Luckily, the BF is keeping tabs on me and BeauSoleil is lifting the spirits.
That’s a good find you have there, Liz. I just can’t decide if they matched one another. I kind of think the shoes is too glamorous for the dress. Anyway, they’re both sensational! :-) Kaylin Herbert